I decided that this day deserved an entry of its own. When Loopers talk of their trip, it’s almost a certainty that they will tell you about Georgian Bay. We have REALLY looked forward to this day, because the photos we have seen of this area appear to be too good to be true. Today we discovered that the beauty of this area is everything we could expect and more.
Leaving the marina, the skies were a bit cloudy, but we could see slivers of sunshine. We no longer were in a canal – in which you can travel forward or reverse – we had to plot our course ourselves, made easier with all of Ken’s information. We cruised over some open waters, but the winds were low and the ride comfortable. We were headed for an anchorage called Longuissa. The name was exotic and conjured up thoughts of incredible scenery. Along the way, a butterfly flew onto a pillow next to me up on the bridge. I think butterflies are supposed to be good luck. Could this trip get any better?!
Would this butterfly, which landed inside the boat, bring us good luck on our trip?
The Georgian Bay is known as the area of 30,000 islands. They come in all shapes and sizes, and many people have found a way to build homes on them. As we approached the island area, it was pretty, but not breathtaking. It would get better.
Island home in Georgian Bay – no yard work required!
Some courses use these range finders. If you see the two markers lined up vertically, then you are ON course. That’s the goal :).
We got to Longuissa and found out that MANY other boaters also had heard about this spot. It was a very pretty cove area, but too crowded for us. We headed to a nearby anchorage called “hockey stick,” but it, too, was obviously well known. We looked on the chart and found an area called Brown Bay. Not very large, but we decided to check it out.
Vitamin Sea anchored in Brown Bay. Nothing like a little solitude on the water.
By this time, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the water sparkling. We got to Brown Bay and had it all to ourselves. It was lovely. We put the dinghy in the water and went exploring. What a glorious day! This is what people were talking about when they spoke of Georgian Bay.
Ed piloting the dinghy. We did some exploring on this beautiful day.
This is what surrounded us at anchorage. Such a glorious sight to behold.
Cottages were intermittently spotted on the shoreline and tall, green majestic trees were everywhere. No wonder that people said you could spend an entire summer in just the Georgian Bay area. There are so many islands, inlets, and bays to explore. We could hardly wait for what we would see in the next couple weeks.
During our exploration, we saw these Inukshuks left on the shore. These were used by the Inuit people as directional markers, but when in the shape of people, it can signify safety, hope, and friendship.