April 2, 2019 The Art of Patience

Things we are learning – sometimes we must be patient and wait.

Waiting for a good wi-fi signal to not only get email but to receive weather updates.

Waiting for the wind to subside in Isle of Palms Marina for four nights as it pressed us against the dock.  Then as the wind subsides, the rain was on the way.

We are reminding ourselves that this is supposed to be a pleasure cruise.  We have no specific schedule and delays are to be expected. We can’t start getting antsy about bad weather days. There is a lot to do and experience every day – wherever we are – and we are loving it (and learning something every day). 

My last post was about our first day and the great experience it was.  Our second day was equally great – learned about navigating through cuts, dodging crab pot floats, and ended up anchoring in Church Creek.  We put the dinghy in the water and motored to fellow looper boat Wild Goose to have dinner.  This will be the start of many dinner outings, taking the dinghy to a fellow boat, a marina, another dock, or a beach for dinner.

Our third day began with navigating through Elliott Cut, a narrow cut that is best to do against the current to maintain control.  A few miles later we entered the harbor of Charleston.  Seeing the city from this vantage point was new to us. Also new was our first venture into “big water,” including shipping lanes, container vessels, and multiple crossing channels.  This kind of water is also part of the ICW.

After motoring past Sullivans Island, zig-zagging on a rising tide, we ended the day at the Isle of Palms Marina.  Ed made a perfect docking – which was viewed by many people peering from the windows at a nearby restaurant. People are always watching! That afternoon we rode our bikes to Saturday mass at Stella Maris church – a church we have attended before on our land visits to Sullivan’s Island (adjacent to IOP).  This island is one of our favorite places to visit.

As much as we wanted to continue our progress north, the winds looked iffy for the next day. Patience!

6 thoughts on “April 2, 2019 The Art of Patience

  1. Kathy P says:

    Good to hear an update & know all is well. Take care & smooth sailing 😉
    This Masters week is good for us: Biagio, Kristen & LUCY are staying at our house while theirs is rented. First time she’s been to the grandparents 💕 she is very alert & on target for her adjusted age. She’s such a miracle & blessing!

  2. pgiraudin3 says:

    So…tagging along with the Grey Goose. Have they done the loop before? You make them out to be experienced.

    • talkinghorse says:

      They have not done the Loop before, but they have a lot of experience going up and down the east coast and to the Bahamas. They are out of Florida and very knowledgeable about boats. We have enjoyed our conversations and visits.

  3. Barbara Funk says:

    I would not have the patience to do what you two are doing! God bless you.
    Have continued fun learning and exploring! I admire your courage.
    Love these blogs!!

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